Global Settings

Global setting allows control of various features on the app.

App Zoom Level.
‍Control how close and far the user can zoom into the model.

Add Music to App.
Add music to the app model by uploading a MP3 file up to 5MB. Setting a product feeling with other senses.

Show Overall Dimensions on App.
Show overall dimensions using the toggle button and filling in the length, width, height of the product.

Activate Barcode Scanning App.
Toggle the barcode scanning on in the App Setting under Global Settings.

Note you can print barcode from Part Creation Tab or from Part Summary Table on Product Page. Barcodes must be filled in order to print.

Activate Augmented Reality (AR) on App
Toggle the AR Setting under Global Settings. And scale your objects to perfectly fit your desired look.

*Note this feature is only available for Advanced subscription plan.

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