Create Step-by-Step Assembly

Lets start building and animating the assembly steps.

Create Step
Create an assembly step. Define the step name, give it an instructional description, duration, tools, warning, and define the animation for the parts on this step.

Visible Parts & Animation
Check the parts you want to be visible in step on the right tool bar and toggle on the part you want to see animated. Note that only animated parts with appear as parts needed in step.

Save Step View
The save view button will save the view of the step, this will also be the view on the printed manual.
You can reset view to the last saved view of the step. And you can use shortcut Ctrl + Spacebar to return to the initial setup view.

Save and use the play button to play all the steps in order. You may also use the other player tools to jump forward/backwards through steps.

Editing Steps
You may always edit step by clicking on the edit or gear icon. You also can reorder the steps by dragging the step in step list and placing it elsewhere.

Press complete the model when done - this will update the pdf instruction manuals as well.

Best Practice
Center the part being assembled. Zoom and angle the camera as need for best view of assembly.

You can perform sub assemblies by hiding and showing parts as needed.

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